Tonight I made a 64-bit compile of the TUIO-Client Plugin for Quartz Composer. I messed around with the Kinect-Plugin for Quartz Composer and discovered the TUIO-multitouch and gesture protocol, which looks really promising. The protocol support really a lot of common creative coding software.

The binary of the TUIO-Client Plugin for Quartz Composer I downloaded from the TUIO-site did not launch in my Quartz Composer on OS-X Lion. The problem actually seems, that it was compiled for an older version of Mac OSX and Quartz had problems in actually loading and/or finding the path.

Now I freshly compiled the source for 64-bit Mac OS-X machines and put it into the “right” plugin directory for Quartz Composer on Lion. This is the path where you will put the “TuioClient.plugin“-file.

/Library/Graphics/Quartz Composer Plug-Ins.

And here is the binary:

Download TuioClient-Lion-64bit

0 Comments December 12, 2011