Here is a freshly cut video from the “Passagen 2013” in Cologne – showcasing works from Dingfabrik-members. Two things in the video was made with my involvement: a projection-mapping and some plotter-works with the alpha-version of the self-written Lua-Crumbs-framework.

In January 2014 I am also involved into one project, more details here.

1 Comment December 31, 2013

December started with a great event at the KISD (Köln International School of Design), called “Open Factory“. Two days of workshops and panels about Open Design, 3D-Printing, FabLabs and Technology-hacking. The Dingfabrik was having a talk and I participated at two “music and hacking” workshops.

At this workshop I managed to connect an Arduino to PureData. There are some specialities, when it comes to the serial port and reading ASCII, that’s why I share the patch with you: here is the PureData serial-port-reader for getting Arduino to PureData-done quickly.

At Dingfabrik we are still messing around with the renovation of our new rooms, but already make plans for some neat media-art-workshops and/or usergroup-meetings. The first event will be vvvv for beginners at 11. January 2014.

Currently I’m tinkering with Raspberry Pi, openFrameworks and PureData+gem. That Raspberry Pi thing could get really cool…!

Besides.. I work another projection-mapping project for the Passagen 2014 and on a huge media art object, but more on that 2014… 😉

0 Comments December 15, 2013