
YouCube is the first projection-mapping project from Dingfabrik, presented at the demoscene-party Evoke 2012 in Cologne. Demosceners at the party place were able to upload their content via intranet at the partyplace – that why the name YouCube. The object was clearly visible from everywhere in the hall.

The sculpture was made of cardboard and is three meters high at its highest point – reaching an architectonical dimension. I wrote all the software used in this project within three weeks from scratch (in the evenings!). The software-chain included lua, love2d, quartz composer, xml, php, html, css. Fun and love.

This is a projection-mapping project I made together with Dingfabrik (Cologne’s fablab/hackerspace for building things). It is the first of a ongoing series of projection-mapping projects. At every project we want to enhance the hard- and software side of the project.

The video of the mapping is a little dark – but there is another short documentary upon this project coming up shortly…

Update: This project was awarded to the “Thing of the month August 2012” by Dingfabrik.

0 Comments August 19, 2012

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