Early October we had the chance to have Jake Rathburn playing live at the Dingfabrik in Köln. I was asked to make a little bit of light for the live show. What turned out to be a quick and dirty videobeamer-effect became a mesmerizing visual hightlight of the show. It was the first time that I set up two beamers for a show, one beamer just for throwing a visual pattern onto the actor on stage (I named that pattern “Jaketapete” by the way…)

The whole thing was so successful, that we want to go into the next iteration. There will be another video shooting with Jake later that month and we will do something with a bit more of preperation than this first shot. Expectations are high, let’s meet them!

UPDATE: And here is the first result of the next iteration.

3 Comments October 16, 2013

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  1. […] Es ist nunmehr schon ein paar Wochen her, als Jake Rathburn ein kleines “Wohnzimmer-Konzert” bei uns in der Dingfabrik gegeben hat. Jake Rathburn ist ein Indie-Musiker aus fern USA, der momentan selbstorganisiert durch Europa tourt und Konzerte gibt – sei es im Wohnzimmer, im Hackerspace, in Cafés – oder eben auch in der Dingfabrik! Wir nahmen das Konzert zum Anlass, die Dingfabrik nach dem Umzug “inoffiziell” zu eröffnen. Vor knapp 30 Zuschauern spielte Jake Rathburn seine Musik – inszeniert von zwei Videobeamern, welche von Nodepond, Dingfabrik gestaltet wurden. […]

  2. […] Rathburn we made two really good video-recording sessions, where I provides the visuals. Here is a link to the first session, the results of the second session are in preparation and are about to released […]

  3. […] the success of the spontaneous live-videobeaming of Jake Rathburns live-performance at Dingfabrik, we decided to make another go and try to make up the idea a little bit. So we set up some […]