A lot of in-progress. No too much stuff to show off, but some. Worshipping Kanban again, made some changes in my own Kanban-process, getting more focused and productive.

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1. Flying Orlov
Our media sculpture form Flying Orlov left Cologne and is on its way to St. Petersburg. We wish our “tiny” little guy a good journey – may he array St. Petersburg save and in a good mood!


2. Light-Up Lehmbruck
I helped getting a videobeamer-related events for kids at the Lehmbruck-Museum in Duisburg rollin’. The event was called “Light-up Lehmbruck” (Link at jfc). It was a four day workshop, where kids learned how to use new media “videobeamers” to modify their surroundings. The workshop was organized by the jfc Medienzentrum (Cologne) and I gave them an initial tool- and technology-consulting: what is possible and what not – what can be expected.


3. E-Gitarren-Workshop Dingfabrik
At Dingfabrik we had a nice talk by Arne Rick. He gave insight into his experiences in building an own electric bass. We learned a lot about the art of manufacturing with wood, how tone-generation in electric guitars work and why (or why not) to roll your own pick-ups. An inspiring evening. Since then I think about building own speakers this fall.


4. Squirrel und Bär – Android
I played a role in getting the game “Squirrel & Bär” (by The Good Evil) available on Android and the Google Play store (Link). Now you have no more excuses to not get this awesome game!


5. Own Game
The work on my own game processed as well. Designed some conceptional groundwork, made technology decisions, lots of doodles and sketches…


0 Comments August 14, 2014

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