Lange Nacht der Museen / Drehkommando
Another Drehkommando with the fun of tweaking audio live. This night we were six people on stage! Before the Drehkommando there were awesome live-acts from Das Blaue Monster, Erich Schall, Cie and Some People Never Go Crazy. I provided live-visuals for this event. Here is a small video. Read more about the night at Der kleine grüne Würfel.

Sonic Pi LiveCoding-Talk at RhineDev-Conf
RhineDev was a new one-day conference in Cologne. It was about bringing together game-developers from the NRW-region. There were many small talks about a big variety of topic. I held a hand-on talk about the Sonic Pi livecode-environment. I just 15 minutes I showed the audience, how to prototype sound-fx and mini music-scores with that Sonic Pi thing.


PuteData DrumSequencer Experiment
At the end of the month I had a small idea for a special kind of drum machine, that generate not too predictable drum sequences. A nice Saturday morning experiment. I guess, I will have to take this idea one level ahead and maybe the result will be a small app.

…the other stuff
The rest of the month I worked on the software for our Flying Orlov media-sculpture, for the Make the Game kids project and had a very nice evening with Cologne’s Demoscene!

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