
Here is a short overview of some useful topics for people, who like to get into PureData on the Raspberry Pi.

The very first step is to install Raspbian with the Noobs-installer.

How to install pd-extended on raspbian from puredata.info. And we found another tutorial, that shows how to install pd (without extended) on Raspberry Pi.

We had initial problems configuring audio this is what helped. From terminal, get into the config-menu by doing “sudo raspi-config”. Then get to “advanced options”, select “audio” and then “force HDMI” (or force Audio-Jack – depends on your needs).

For more troubleshooting, this thread in the Raspberry Pi-forum looks promising.

A pd-rpi workshop repository on github with lots of useful code and links. Don’t miss the Raspberry Pi site on Linux Audio.

Configure the keyboard on Raspberry Pi.

sudo raspi-config

Select the option

Alternative way:
Thread about reconfig the keyboard on Raspberry Pi site. Same topic on Stack Exchange.

Raspberry Pi Tips in the PureData-wiki.

Running PD without GUI (Graphical User Interface).
How to run PD from the command line. On the Raspberry Pi it can be really useful, to run a pd-patch in the terminal mode – without any GUI. It is easy like that:

./pd -nogui mypatch.pd


./pd-extended -nogui mypatch.pd

Here is the link to another tutorial and the complete documentation of the pure-data command line parameters. Very useful for configuring stuff like audio-interface, midi-devices and audio-drivers.

0 Comments December 16, 2014

Lange Nacht der Museen / Drehkommando
Another Drehkommando with the fun of tweaking audio live. This night we were six people on stage! Before the Drehkommando there were awesome live-acts from Das Blaue Monster, Erich Schall, Cie and Some People Never Go Crazy. I provided live-visuals for this event. Here is a small video. Read more about the night at Der kleine grüne Würfel.

Sonic Pi LiveCoding-Talk at RhineDev-Conf
RhineDev was a new one-day conference in Cologne. It was about bringing together game-developers from the NRW-region. There were many small talks about a big variety of topic. I held a hand-on talk about the Sonic Pi livecode-environment. I just 15 minutes I showed the audience, how to prototype sound-fx and mini music-scores with that Sonic Pi thing.


PuteData DrumSequencer Experiment
At the end of the month I had a small idea for a special kind of drum machine, that generate not too predictable drum sequences. A nice Saturday morning experiment. I guess, I will have to take this idea one level ahead and maybe the result will be a small app.

…the other stuff
The rest of the month I worked on the software for our Flying Orlov media-sculpture, for the Make the Game kids project and had a very nice evening with Cologne’s Demoscene!

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0 Comments December 16, 2014